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Premier Equine Sweet Iron Loose Ring Mullen Mouth Snaffle Bit

£28.00 £28.00

Premier Equine Sweet Iron Loose Ring Mullen Mouth Snaffle Bit

This snaffle bit stands out as it lacks a joint, featuring a slight curve and a medium port mouth. This design results in a gentle action, applying pressure evenly across the tongue rather than the more sensitive bars and lips. The absence of a joint eliminates any nutcracker or pinching action, making these bits popular for use on horses with sensitive palates. The blue sweet iron material easily oxidizes, creating a warming sensation and a sweet taste in the horse's mouth, aiding in bit acceptance.  The mild mullen mouthpiece combined with the blue sweet iron material makes this bit well-suited for leisure riding or hacking, especially with more sensitive horses. However, due to the lack of a joint, this bit typically does not assist with lateral flexion, which is essential for dressage and jumping.

Sweet Iron Loose Ring Mullen Snaffle Features:

  • Loose ring cheeks
  • Blue sweet iron mullen mouthpiece with medium port
  • Bit strength: Mild
  • This bit is BD Legal
  • As per our size guide the A & B measurements of this bit are as follows:
  • It's important to note that the blue color will naturally fade with use.
  • Please note, for reasons of health and hygiene this bit is non-returnable if removed from the template.

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