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Carr & Day & Martin Belvoir Step-2 Tack Conditioner

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Carr Day Martin Belvoir Step-2 Tack Conditioner

Conditions, protects and adds shine to your leatherwork. The Carr Day Martine Belvoir Step-2 Tack Conditioner is a pure, clear, quality conditioner formulated with glycerine and coconut oil and designed to be used regularly use with the minimum of effort. The glycerine fills and seals pores in the leather to form a barrier against salt, dirt, grease and water. Use after ‘Step 1’ Belvoir Tack Cleaner. Spray evenly onto clean leather and gently rub in with a cloth or sponge. When dry, polish using a soft dry cloth.

Belvoir Step-2 Tack Conditioner Features:

  • 500ml spray bottle
  • Made from the original recipe
  • Protects, conditions and adds shine to leather
  • Designed for regular use

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