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Shapleys Original M-T-G Plus in 236ml


Shapleys Original M-T-G Plus in 236ml

The Shapley's Original M-T-G Plus (Mane-Tail-Groom) has the same great formula as the Original M-T-G but this brilliant formulation now has a light herbal scent. It treats skin problems at source by drying up and healing the affected area which may have been caused by rain rot, dew poisoning, scratches, mud fever, greasy heal, sweet itch, girth itch, itchy skin, dandruff and tail rubbing, it is also known to work on thrush and white line disease. It has special ingredients that condition the skin and hair around the problem area and helps to promotes healthy skin and hair regrowth. It keeps the skin conditioned and creates a barrier against the elements, offering quick relief and visible hair growth in 3-5 days. Available in 236ml or 946ml.

Original M-T-G Features:

  • Has a light herbal fragrance
  • Treats skin problems at source
  • For rain rot, mud fever, sweet itch and tail rubbing
  • Promotes healthy skin and hair regrowth
  • Provides quick relief
  • Improves the skin within 3-5 days

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