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Coat Care

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Shapleys Original M-T-G in 946ml


Shapleys Original M-T-G in 946ml The Shapleys Original M-T-G (Mane-Tail-Groom) has a brilliant formulation that treats skin problems by drying up and healing the affected area, which may have been caused by rain rot, dew poisoning, scratches, mud fever,...


Shapleys Original M-T-G in 236ml


Shapleys Original M-T-G in 236ml The Shapleys Original M-T-G (Mane-Tail-Groom) has a brilliant formulation that treats skin problems by drying up and healing the affected area, which may have been caused by rain rot, dew poisoning, scratches, mud fever,...


Shapleys No2 Heavy Oil


Shapleys No2 Heavy Oil Your horses coat will look healthier than ever if you use Shapleys No2 Heavy Oil. It is a great intensive oil treatment that can be used either cold or heated to add oils back to skin, coat, mane and tail. It adds shine to dried,...


Shapleys No1 Light Oil


Shapley's No1 Light Oil Shapley's No1 Light Oil is a light conditioning oil for the coat and skin, that adds shine and smooths and softens the hair. It can be used in your daily grooming routine and can be used to detangle manes and tails without leaving...