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NAF EnerG Liquid

Availability: Available - Dispatched in 7-10 working days.

NAF EnerG Liquid

Fortified with vitamins and trace elements, this fast acting, veterinary approved liquid formula is designed to support the performance of the hardworking equine athlete. The sports horse demands more of his body to perform to his full potential. As his performance increases so too does his requirement for specific nutrients. It’s well known that essential salts are lost through sweat. However, it’s not just the electrolytes that are required in higher levels. This is where EnerG becomes so valuable. EnerG provides controlled levels of iron, balanced with copper and zinc, all important nutrients required by the horse for performance, to maximise the benefits of this unique synergistic formulation, thus optimizing energy metabolism. EnerG contains these essential elements, together with an unrivalled spectrum of Vitamin B complexes, to support the health and efficiency of red blood cells and energy metabolism. EnerG also provides Vitamin K3, the most effective form of this important vitamin, for blood clotting and bone metabolism. Importantly, EnerG is a carefully targeted product that simply provides the nutrients necessary to support blood profiles and energy metabolism, so it can be safely added to any diet.

NAF EnerG Liquid Features:

  • Fast acting
  • Provides controlled levels of irons and salts
  • Can be safely added to any diet
  • Available in 2L

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