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Dinky Ponies: Bringing Joy and Healing Through the Magic of Miniature Horses

May 30th 2024

Dinky Ponies: Bringing Joy and Healing Through the Magic of Miniature Horses

Meet Sarah, founder and driving force of Dinky Ponies and discover her story about how Dinky Ponies came to be and the journey it has embarked on.

Returning to My Equestrian Roots

I've had horses and ponies all my life, riding and competing from a young age. However, they took a back seat when I started working in London. Marriage and children followed, and for a while, I had little to do with horses. But once my children started school, I dipped my toe back into the equestrian world by freelance grooming. Then, a few years ago, I was given a couple of Mini Shetland ponies. That gift rekindled my passion, and in April 2022, I got my licence and decided to start a little business with them. And the rest is history!

Two Dinks to Six - The Birth of the Mini Shetland Therapy Ponies

What started with a couple of ponies has now grown into a team of six Mini Shetland therapy ponies. We visit people in care homes, special schools, hospitals, and children’s homes. These delightful ponies are small enough to go inside buildings and meet residents up close and personal. We often go into bedrooms, travelling in the lift to call on people who are bedbound or unable to venture out of their rooms. This unique ability allows us to bring the joy of animal companionship to those who usually wouldn't get the chance to see or spend time with animals up close.

Spending time chatting and interacting with the residents is as important as the visits themselves. I love my job. It's incredibly rewarding, and the opportunities it brings and the people it enables me to meet are fantastic bonuses.

Meet the Dinky Herd


Colour: Piebald

DOB: 2007

The matriarch of the herd, Poppy, is the most patient with a gentle soul and a kind nature. Like the wise Grandmother of the Shetland world, she enjoys cuddling up to the elderly on visits to care homes.


Colour: Skewbald

DOB: 2006

Tinks proudly holds the title of the oldest of all the Dinks. Nothing phases her calm and relaxed nature, which makes her the perfect companion for hospital visits. She will often encourage you to scratch her tummy - and who could resist!


Colour: Bay

DOB: 2010

Abby may be the shyest of the Dinks, but her sunny disposition always shines through. She often sits back to let others take the spotlight but is ready to offer kindness and affection to those who need it.


Colour: Palomino

DOB: 2011

Princess Palomino Charm is the newest to enter the Dinky clan. With all the flair of a diva, she can be a tad bossy and loves being fussed over. Her ‘Barbie’ colouring makes her a favourite amongst the kids, so she gets all the pampering a princess deserves!


Colour: Grey

DOB: 2018

Spirited Gracie is the youngest and cheekiest of all the Dinks and always causing mischief. She loves her food and is very popular with children who think she is a unicorn. (Who can blame them!)


Colour: Bay Roan

DOB: 2011

Georgie has the biggest character of all the Dinks. Always keen for cuddles and to make people laugh, she spreads joy wherever she goes, making her the life and soul of the party among the Dinks.

Bringing Joy and Comfort

Each pony in the herd brings their unique charm and personality to our visits, making every encounter special. Whether it's Poppy's patience, Tinks' tummy-scratchable calmness, Abby's shy kindness, Georgie's entertaining antics, Grace's mischievousness or Charm's diva-like flair, they all contribute to the joy and comfort we bring to those we visit.

Running Dinky Ponies is a wonderful journey. Seeing the smiles and hearing the laughter these ponies bring into people's lives is the most rewarding experience. It reminds me daily why I love what I do and why I wouldn't trade this for anything else in the world.

Our Kind Sponsor: Country & Stable

Running Dinky Ponies involves a lot of dedication, care, and resources. Amongst other fantastic sponsors, I am incredibly fortunate to have the support of Country & Stable. Their sponsorship has been instrumental in helping us maintain the care and happiness of our beloved ponies, ensuring they are always ready to bring happiness to those we visit.

Country & Stable is a well-known name in the equestrian community, known for providing high-quality equestrian products, from horse tack and clothing to stable supplies and horse care essentials. Their commitment to excellence and passion for all things equestrian align perfectly with our mission to bring well-being through our Mini Shetland therapy ponies.

With their generous sponsorship, we have been able to:

  • Equip our herd with quality horse gear, keeping them comfortable and looking their best for every visit.
  • Enhance our outreach, expanding our reach to even more horse enthusiast and supporters not just in the UK, but across the world too.
  • Create a dedicated Wishlist where supporters can directly purchase a handpicked selection of equestrian items for the Dinky Ponies.
  • Offer a 10% discount code to all Dinky followers purchasing either for themselves or from the Dinky Wishlist.

That said, Country & Stable's support goes beyond the gifting of products and assistance; it is a partnership built on a shared love for horses and a commitment to improving the lives of others. Their belief in our mission has given us the strength and resources to continue growing and making a difference in our community.

The Future of the Dinky Dream

As this exciting and fulfilling journey continues, there is so much more I aspire to achieve. The ultimate dream is to eventually have my own land or yard for the Dinky Ponies to inhabit. I would love to offer visits to the stables to hold therapy sessions on-site, alongside continuing our mobile visits. This would allow us to provide even more opportunities for people to experience the joy and healing that our ponies bring.

Sarah, Founder of Dinky Ponies.

Purchase from the Wishlist and use Dinky10 at the checkout for 10% off.

Follow the Dinky Journey

Instagram: @dinkyponies


Tiktok: @dinky.therapy.ponies

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