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Westgate Laboratories Equine Faecal Sand Test

Availability: Available - Dispatched in 7-10 working days.

Westgate Laboratories Equine Faecal Sand Test

Faecal sand testing to monitor sand levels in the gut. 

Horses presenting with sand colic usually have a history of grazing on sandy soils, overgrazing paddocks or being fed in a ménage.  For equines in these risk categories, a faecal sample can be taken at intervals through the year and checked for sand to assess the levels in the gut. This is done by dissolving dung in water and observing the amount of sediment that settles in the sample overnight.  

With the variables of gut movement it is possible for the test to generate a false negative and show no sand in the faeces of horses that are carrying a burden. For this reason we include two kits in one pack; if no sand is detected in the first sample then take a second a few days later.  If sand is detected in the first test then the second can be used to retest the horse following management adjustments. 

Kit Features:

  • four sample collection pots to take two faecal samples for each horse (we need a minimum of 20g between the 2 pots)
  • an information leaflet
  • two vouchers for the laboratory processing of the tests
  • two compostable gloves
  • two pre-paid envelopes to send the sample(s) to the lab
  • Test results from Westgate are expressed as a percentage to give a quantatitive measure of the level found. 

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