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Therapy Rugs

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Equilibrium Magnetic Rug

£195.00 £195.00

Equilibrium Magnetic Rug Inspired by one of Equilibrium’s own horses Jack, after retiring from racing, who was looking to retrain as a riding horse. With an incredibly sensitive back he would wear his Magnetic Rug under his stable rug overnight and...


Equilibrium Massage Mitt


Equilibrium Massage Mitt Massage is well known for its ‘feel good’ factor and the Equilibrium Massage Pad has been shown to aid relaxation and assist with the maintenance of healthy muscle and muscle function. Tension is often one of the most...


Equilibrium Massage Battery


Equilibrium Massage Battery Equilibrium's high-performance battery is designed so you can use it more and charge less! The battery fits perfectly into the pocket of the Massage Pad, Mitt and Massage Mitt Hotspot without taking up too much space. Use the...


Equilibrium Massage Pad

£320.00 £320.00

Equilibrium Massage Pad The Equilibrium Massage Pad provides effective and affordable equine massage on the go! With a lightweight design, this portable massage pad is a popular choice with many world champions and will make a fantastic addition to your...


Equilibrium Massage Mitt Hotspot


Equilibrium Massage Mitt Hotspot Horses work incredibly hard during exercise, with a lot of pressure being put onto their muscles and joints. With the innovative Equilibrium Massage Mitt Hotspot, you can choose between cyclical and continuous massage,...