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Coat Care

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Lincoln Total Stain Eraze


Lincoln Total Stain Eraze The ultimate stain removal spray, a must have – introducing the Lincoln Total Stain Eraze. Effortlessly lifting dirt and stains, the fast-acting spray includes powerful brightening agents and a fresh, minty fragrance to...


Lincoln Fungiklenz


Lincoln Fungiklenz An unrivalled antifungal sanitising scrub, introducing the Lincoln Fungiklenz. Tested for efficiency against multiple micro-organisms, the scrub gently removes debris without stripping the natural oils from the coat. Available in 500ml...


Lincoln Revitalising Wash


Lincoln Revitalising Wash Following a hot summer day, replenish your horse’s muscles post exercise with the Lincoln Revitalising Wash. With added Tea Tree extract, the formula will refresh tired and achy muscles whilst prevent stiffness the next...