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Launched over 30 years ago NAF continuously promote the values of 'Clean Sport' throughout all of their horse care products and are the official suppliers to the British Equestrian Team.

NAF is one of the most respected well-known horse care brands in the equestrian industry and offer an extensive range of products all of which are designed for your horse's every need. Their horse care products range includes first aid and veterinary products, fly sprays, shampoos, hoof care, coat care, skin care and more.

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NAF Warming Wash


NAF Warming Wash Perfect for the cold wintery days of the year – introducing the NAF Warming Wash. Containing ginger and clary sage ingredients to warm and cleanse your horse after exercise,...

NAF Lavender Wash


NAF Lavender Wash


NAF Lavender Wash Containing essential Lavender Oil to refresh your horse after exercise, the NAF Lavender Wash is perfect as you can wash the sweat away from your horse’s hair with this no...