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Premier Equine Gressan Standing Martingale

£39.60 £39.60

Premier Equine Gressan Standing Martingale

Featuring buckles at both the shoulder and girth for easy fitting and adjustment, the Gressan martingale is designed with a looped ending on the single neck strap, allowing it to be attached to the horse's noseband (cavesson only). The Gressan is an excellent choice for flatwork or flatwork training. Standing martingales are used to prevent a horse from significantly raising its head. As the horse attempts to raise its head, the single strap attached to the noseband inhibits such movement. It's important to note that standing martingales are highly restrictive and should only be used by riders with a thorough understanding of their horse's behavior. Furthermore, they should not be used during jumping. Available in Black and Dark Brown.

Standing Martingale Features:

  • Italian leather standing martingale
  • Adjustable at shoulder and girth
  • Looped neck strap for cavesson noseband to pass through
  • High quality stitching
  • Stainless steel buckles and fixtures

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