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Korsteel Flexi Mouth Jointed Eggbutt Snaffle Bit

£35.55 £35.55
Availability:Please note, for reasons of health and hygiene this bit is non-returnable if removed from the template, or has evidence it has been placed inside the horses mouth.

Korsteel Flexi Mouth Jointed Eggbutt Snaffle Bit

The eggbutt snaffle has fixed, oval shaped rings offering a consistent contact with the horses mouhth.  The soft rubber is ideal for younger horses or horses with a more sensitive mouth. The single joint applies a nut cracker action which applies pressure to the tongue, the bars of the mouth and the horse's palate.

Jointed Eggbutt Snaffle Bit Features:

  • Flexi bits are soft and much warmer to the touch than metal bits
  • The eggbutt snaffle has fixed, oval shaped rings offering a consistent contact
  • Ideal for younger horses or horses with a more sensitive mouth
  • The single joint applies a nut cracker action which applies pressure to the tongue, the bars of the mouth and the horse's palate

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