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Equilibrium Massage Mitt Hotspot

Availability: Available - Ready to Dispatch.

Equilibrium Massage Mitt Hotspot

Horses work incredibly hard during exercise, with a lot of pressure being put onto their muscles and joints. With the innovative Equilibrium Massage Mitt Hotspot, you can choose between cyclical and continuous massage, and heat therapy to tackle trigger points and support healthy muscle function. A great  tool to provide your horse with fantastic comfort and relaxation when it matters most. As a bonus, riders can also use this mitt on themselves to sooth the aches and pains that come from time in the saddle.

Equilibrium Massage Mitt Hotspot Features:

  • Contains: 1 x  Mitt Hotspot, 1 x Storage Bag, 1 x Equilibrium Battery, 1 x Equilibrium Charger.
  • Pick from heat and two different types of massage
  • Tailor the massage with 3 different strengths
  • Fits into your daily routine with a 10-minute programme
  • Battery operated to take it with you wherever you go
  • Helps maintain healthy blood and lymph circulation
  • Soothes tired muscles
  • Supports recovery after exercise
  • Promotes relaxation
  • Check out this information video from Equilibrium

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