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Equilibrium Massage Mitt

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Equilibrium Massage Mitt

Massage is well known for its ‘feel good’ factor and the Equilibrium Massage Pad has been shown to aid relaxation and assist with the maintenance of healthy muscle and muscle function. Tension is often one of the most common reasons for poor performance. By increasing relaxation and improving back flexibility, the negative effects of tension can be reduced. A relaxed horse, with relaxed muscles, will move with fluidity and suppleness which is particularly important for competition horses performing dressage movements, and those jumping technical fences.

Who is the Massage Mitt for?

All horses and ponies could certainly benefit from the Massage Mitt, including those

• At rest/retirement
• In work from hacking to competition. This includes horses returning to work or retraining.
• For older horses
• Horses on box rest, standing in for long periods of time or on limited turnout.

Massage Mitt Features

  • Based on the Massage Pad technology, which is proven to increase relaxation and flexibility.
  • Battery operated, so you can take it wherever you go!
  • 3 intensity settings which you can tailor to your horses needs.
  • 2-year guarantee.

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