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Cowboy Magic Greenspot Remover in 473ml

Availability: Available - Dispatched in 7-10 working days.

Cowboy Magic Greenspot Remover

Cowboy Magic Greenspot Remover is a quick clean solution that is like a ‘shower in a bottle’, it is a waterless shampoo that is easy to use and is specially formulated to remove manure and urine spots instantly, and to eliminate wet or dried sweat immediately, giving those newly cleaned spots a high shine after brushing. It has a lovely clean fragrance and leaves you horses coat soft and shiny, it is an ideal addition to your grooming kit for those little grooming emergencies before your show or competition. Available in 473ml or 946ml.

Greenspot Remover Features:

  • Contains shea butter
  • Like a ‘shower in a bottle’
  • Removes manure and urine spots
  • Eliminates wet or dried sweat
  • Gives a high shine after brushing
  • Ideal for shows and competitions

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