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Collegiate Syntovia+ Plain Flat Running Martingale in Brown

£24.25 £24.25

Collegiate Syntovia+ Plain Flat Running Martingale

The Collegiate Syntovia+ Plain Flat Running Martingale is a quality synthetic leather flat running martingale, featuring stainless steel fittings. The running martingale features two split straps from the neck strap, with stainless steel rings for the reins to pass through. Vegan friendly.

Syntovia+ Plain Flat Running Martingale:

  • Quality synthetic leather
  • Stainless steel fittings
  • The running martingale features two split straps from the neck strap, with stainless steel rings for the reins to pass through
  • Wipe off any built up dirt or sweat then clean with mild soapy water. Allow to dry
  • Vegan friendly

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