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Review of the Equilibrium Magnetic Rug

Dec 21st 2022

Review of the Equilibrium Magnetic Rug

Equilibrium Magnetic Rug

Cost £195.00

Tried & tested by our Digital Merchandiser Emelya, here's her review of the Equilibrium Magnetic Rug.

Who/what is it for?

My young horse Loppy. I wanted this rug to support muscle maintenance while training. The magnetic rug is designed to support mobility and aid joint function.

Initial thoughts on the product

The magnetic rug is great quality, smart looking and extremely well made. It has a lovely cotton feel with a super smart quilted collar. The rug also has the added bonus of movable magnets and a removable neck.


I tried my usual size of a 7ft rug, as I have a big horse. The fit was great and true to size. The magnetic rug sat deep in his shoulders to enable Loppy to move comfortably. The rug is made from a cotton type material, which provides a satisfying soft feel.

The rug is lined with a towel-like fabric which allows for the easy manoeuvring of the magnets. Being able to move the magnets to specific areas is a huge benefit. As a result it allows you to provide targeted magnetic therapy to exact areas on your horse. Another great benefit is the rug can be worn overnight. I tend to use the rug mainly in the evening after I have ridden to ensure Loppy is getting maximum use of the benefits of the magnetic rug. With the weather currently being extremely cold, it has been reassuring to know that I am doing all I can to help Loppy’s back and keep him feeling good and supple. Another plus, the rug washes well; just be sure to remove the magnets first!


It is hard to find a negative, the rug really has impressed me. One minor change that I would make for this rug to be a 10/10 would be the added addition of a shoulder gusset. As the rug can be worn overnight, the extra freedom of movement provided by a shoulder gusset would be useful, but not vital.

Would you recommend the product?

Absolutely, I really do love this magnetic rug. The fact I know I can leave this rug on Loppy for long periods of time and move the magnets to targeted areas is great. I have really seen a positive difference in Loppy since using the rug both in his way of going and in himself generally.

Would you continue to use the product

Yes definitely – this rug is now part of our daily routine throughout the winter. I will also continue to use the magnetic rug in the summer when it’s not too hot.

Is the price point fair?

Yes, 100%. In comparison to other magnetic rugs on the market this magnetic rug trumps them all. The fact you can move the magnets, plus the quality. Most importantly the science behind the design makes this rug a cut above the rest, more than justifying the price.

This rug can be paired with other Equilibrium products to add even more benefit to your horse. Why not combine the magnetic rug with a massage mitt hotspot or massage pad.

Equilibrium Magnetic Rug

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