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How To Get Ready for Pony Club Camp

Jul 13th 2023

How To Get Ready for Pony Club Camp

With the school holidays fast approaching, now is the time to start thinking about what to do with your kids over the school summer holidays. If your child has a pony and is part of your local Pony Club, one of the best options is Pony Club Camp. Getting ready for camp, especially if this is the first time your child is going, can be daunting. In this blog, we’ll talk you through how to get ready for Pony Club Camp for fuss-free packing. 

What is Pony Club Camp?

Pony Club Camp is a fun-packed weeklong adventure for your child and their pony. Your child will enjoy sleeping over and riding their beloved companion twice a day. Not only is Pony Club Camp a great place for your kids to improve their riding skills, but they also get to expand their knowledge of both horses and the countryside. Pony Club teaches practical skills, such as learning to plait and how to bandage, and covers theoretical learning, including anatomy and physiology of the horse and riding and road safety. By doing all these tasks, your child will work towards earning badges and completing their efficiency tests. There are also opportunities to earn awards such as the instructor award, stable management, the most improved rider of the year, and the best PC representative. But it’s not all serious! There are also fun awards which are nominated by the camp mums where campmates could be awarded the worst camper to get out of bed or best fall of the week.

Horse in stable at Pony Club Camp

What To Take to Camp

Packing for camp can be a mammoth task! Your child will need to take everything they require for that week, so packing up without forgetting essential items can be tedious. Crucial items include:

  • Pony passport
  • Hair nets
  • Plaiting kit
  • Riding boot cleaner and polish
  • Navy velvet hat cover
  • Gloves
  • Body protector
  • Pen, paper, and Pony Club manual

But don’t worry, we have made packing easy! Just download our easy  checklist and tick everything off as you go. If you do end up forgetting something, don’t panic! People are there to help, and you can borrow stuff from fellow campmates.

Great Products to Take  

Although not on the checklist, the below products are great items to take and make things a little easier for your little one while at camp.

Stubbs Handy Hanger

This handy hanger is a great item to take as you can hook this on your temporary stable and hang items such as your headcollar and bridle when you tack up.

Stable Chain

A great safety product to take is a stable chain, as this will help prevent your pony from barging out and escaping the stable.

Tub Covers

Breakfast and Dinner Tub Covers are perfect for protecting feeds made up in advance, leaving more time for pony antics.

Stable Kit Grooming Box

This multipurpose items doubles up as a seat to sit on and clean your tack and a stool to help with plaiting. A must-have item for any kid off to Pony Club camp!

Drop us a message on socials if you have any top products you take to camp!

Three people enjoying Pony Club Camp

Top Tips for Pre-Camp Preparation

To help make camp that little easier, follow the below tips from the Country & Stable team:

  • It’s important to name everything. This way, your child’s kit will easily be identifiable, and hopefully, it will not get lost over the week.
  • Kick the week off to a great start by ensuring all tack and equipment are clean.
  • Ensure your pony has up-to-date vaccinations or at least the first 2.
  • Make sure you do not worm a week before camp.
  • If your pony lives out, reintroduce hay back into their diet gradually beforehand, as they will be stabled at camp.
  • To make feed time easier, pre-make all feeds and put them in bags (this includes supplements).

If you follow the checklist, you will soon be ready for Pony Club camp. Now all that is left is to load your pony and drive off to your summer adventure! If you are missing anything, you can shop online 24/7 with us and get what you need straight to your door.

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